Aims & Objectives Of the Society

→ To work for Health, Education, Agriculture, forestry, Awareness, SC/ST Development, Formation and Development of SHG, Training, All Pilot project Proposals, Research, Watershed management programme, Water Harvesting structure, Animal husbandry programme,Setup industry for all round development of areas and betterment of societies on noble ventures.

→ To work with collaboration of National & international donor (Foreign) Agency.

→ To create facilities for education for children belonging to Families living below the property line including the Non- Formal schools.

→ To establishment institution for orphans and to provide them with the facilities of vocational training and other education and make them established asgood citizen of the society.

→ To support and facilitate educational among all specially to the backward classes.

→ To undertake and help al type of profile research work in collaboration with other institution and organization regarding education in rural and urban areas.

→ To carry out socio-economic cultural education and research works bases on the Gandhian philosophy and practice and secular principles and to make the people conscious about them.

→ To eliminate sick and impaired knowledge about evil and unhealthy customes, traditions, superstitions, untouchability,dowry practice, child marriage and the like.

→ To uplift economic status by vocational training and encouraging cooperatives societies.

→ To make the people conscious and aware of the problems of the nation and its various plans and programme through popular mass media system to refresh the people mind towards new horizons of visions about adoptability to new ideas.

→ To support health and undertake health programme for all particularly in the field of health educations , sanitation, hygienic living condition by establishing institutions depending upon the requirement of the places and people. It also covers leprosy eradication and rehabilitations programmes.

→ To undertake pilot and research work in agricultural field. It includes availability of water resources in relation to year round utilization of the land and soil.

→ To promote plantation and thereby enhancing the soil conservation programme.

→ To carry out different measure by teaching the people to eliminate the alarming consequences of pesticides and making them aware of the proper ways of use of pesticides and by adopting new scientific technology in agriculture field. This network will be carried out to protect the environment pollution and health hazards.

→ To uplift the working conditions of the land less tillers by launching programmes for land resources and by providing them with agricultural apparatus.

→ To undertake all possible types of research work,plans programme and right measures to protect the environment from pollution. It also covers the upliftment of the environmental condition of the people.

→ To oraganize wide range training programmes cover all types and modes of training in various fields like agriculture , sanitation, living condtion, hygienic system, cultural, physical, vocational , income generation programme with the help and collaboration with other institutions and organization.

→ To create concsciousness among the public to protect their basic right through awareness generation.

→ To build moral life and character of people for better co-ordination between the administration and people.

→ )To aware people about the drug abuses.

→ To make conscious people about the dangerous effect of AIDS.

→ To encourage masses to carry on population control measures.

→ To protect tribal from harassment of forest laws and regulations.

→ To provide agricultural indebtedness relief act in tribal areas.

→ To study and extend and ramification of untuchabiliti and check social discrimination arising there forms of present measures.

→ )To help agricultural labours in getting statutory minimum wages.

→ To aware the people to present and promote the Indian culture.

→ To set up and organize branch officers, unit offices of the organization throughout Orissa for the service of the state.

→ To establish old age home & orphanage.

→ To establish the SC/ST Residential institutions.

→ To participate in total literacy programme at grass-root level to make it a success.

→ To establish centres to enable women to learn how to look after themselves and their families better to improve their economic status, dowry prohibition and other socio-economic beneficiary programmes.

→ )To develop the literacy affaires through periodicals, news magazins.

→ To provide medical and educational facilities to the weaker sections of the society and to collect mechanical,philosophical,natural history of their area.

→ To organize the young mass of the society fo various development of the society as well as social service.

→ To develop blood donation activities.

→ To educate the people to protect environment and forests.

→ To organize the public planation in the unused land.

→ To establish a reading room-library in the remote villages, monthly/Weekly/Daily news paper will be supplied initially and after wards all sorts of magazines will be provided which will be a post- literacy project.

→ To encourage and practice of thrift participate in-co operative efforts create and foster the community service.

→ To introduce adult education programme among the general public for eradication ofiliteracy.

→ To undertake relief method in aid to distressed people affected by natural calamities like drought,famine,flood and fire etc.

→ To spread knowledge of citizenship and working jointly with the State Welfare Board where co-ordination progammes is introduced.

→ To take adequate steps for removed of dowery system from the society.

→ To utilize properly government grants and other funds related to the development of the society.

→ To expand the organization activities by opening branches and or by appointing co-ordinators in Orissa.

→ To organize cancer and HIV/AIDS detection camps.

→ To establish cancer Hospital.

→ To establish technical engineering and management institutions.

→ ) To establish schools and collages at under development areas.

→ To speares knowledge of citizenship and working jointly with the state welfare board where co –ordination programme is introduced being being pride of an Indian.